Open source is a mutual benefit for tax payers and public sector. This page is a listing of Finnish public sector IT projects, which have published their source code in the internet.
This page is a simple list of Finnish public sector's IT systems and applications which have been published for everyone. While open data is important too, by "published" we mean the source code here. For some systems, publishing the implementation may not be viable, though the data can be opened. For some, the data is sensitive, but the source code can be made public. We aim to ease finding information, not provide a comprehensive platform or service to start new projects.
It appears such list did not exist, but it is evident that the public sector is increasingly using more open source libraries and components for building their solutions and opening the projects for other organizations. We originally piloted the service in Finnish, but this international version may benefit foreign public sector organizations in their projects. A similar list and site can be easily set up for any country.
Owner | System | Source code | The URL for service |
We are not prepared to maintain the list of services globally at the moment. We do, however, hope that something similar will emerge from abroad. If you have any feedback or comments regarding this service, you can drop us email:
The official Finnish version of this site.
Finnish open data portal.
A non-profit organization to advance open source, open API and open standards.
A non-profit organization to advance open knowledge. Part of the interational Open Knowledge -network.
Global site for public sector organizations using GitHub.